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Membership Rules

1). The Membership is on “First Come First Serve” basis.

2) In the larger interest to have a very cordial relation in between the WPC members, the Managing Committee will scrutiny all the Membership Applications if WPC Committee found any application not suitable membership cannot be given to that Application and also no explanation given to the individual.  

3). A Reasonable monthly maintenance charges shall be collected from all the club members like any other Club, this amount will be used for the Recurring expenditure of our WPC. This system is followed in any club in our country.

4). WPC member can transfer their share only to Padmashali community with the concern of WPC Committee, for that WPC member has to give full details of the individual in whom they want to transfer in club Prescribed Format. On receipt of application within 60 days club will scrutiny the credentials and if WPC Committee founds suitable candidate no objection will be given by Committee and then only they can transfer their share.

5) The locking period of the share minimum 3 years for the date of allotment of membership.

Note: WPC has decided to appoint only to Padmashali community people in all areas of WPC, this is to encourage and help the families who are in need of the employment in our Padmashali Community. To start the Demand wall concept WPC will procure all the required construction materials only from our community people & after WPC starts the daily needs also procured from our community people only (WPC will always cross check the open market prices for comparison)

Also please note that depending on the number of Participants (Club members) in different activities in the premises, we will ensure to keep a limited time for all the club members so that every club member will get a chance to participate/involve in all facilities in the club premises.

Members Application details to be asked fo

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